workshop by mastamuk ( & uli (
arduino, pduino, interfacing, electronics
Erstbesprechung für die LV Analoge /digitale Schnittstellen (SoSe 2014) beginnt am Dienstag den 11.3 um 11:00 im Studio. Bitte schreibt uns eine kurze Mail an: studio[a]
Die Blocktermine für dieses Sem. werden bei der Erstbesprechung vereinbart. Es wird einen Workshop an der angewandten geben und einen großen Block extern (zb lames St. Pölten).
Das unverbindliche Jour fixe startet wie letztes Semester jeden Dienstag ab 11:00 im Studio.
…feedback agent provocateur…mic connected to speaker, mic distance controlled by feedback volume (loud feedback…more distance…less feedback…less distance…more feedback and so on and so on)
fun with kinect using synapse, osceleton, pd (all open source)…. :
*control arduino
*control 2 3d-objects in gem
*trigger by increase of movement
how low can u go….. inspired by the gigantic superfancy android powered labyrinth at Google I/O 2011 … it works! all calibration is done in realtime by your very own brain! running osc „control“ on the wlan-ipod, pd on the computer, pduino on the arduino
textile based computing – prototyp ingredients: condactive thread, flex sensor, pduino, arduino, midi (midAir) …..special thx to tom
very easy setup for measuring rotation…
2 axis analog gyrometer+arduino+pduino+pd
cheap and easy gear motor for arduino
totally based in „how to hack a servo“ by roboticsed (great video,link here!), arduino running firmata, computer running pduino
prototyping for a interactive suit… arduino running firmata, pure data running pduino sending midi control out, 2 flex sensors, 2 10kohm resistors