an XBeeShield on an Arduino sending wirelessly to the max/msp serial-object via the XbeeUsbExplorer … more below
an XBeeShield on an Arduino sending wirelessly to the max/msp serial-object via the XbeeUsbExplorer … more below
…messing around with JeeNode, Arduino, Max/Msp… quite easy wireless sensor communication … more below
fun with kinect using synapse, osceleton, pd (all open source)…. :
*control arduino
*control 2 3d-objects in gem
*trigger by increase of movement
how low can u go….. inspired by the gigantic superfancy android powered labyrinth at Google I/O 2011 … it works! all calibration is done in realtime by your very own brain! running osc „control“ on the wlan-ipod, pd on the computer, pduino on the arduino
„hands on und handy an“ – SuperCollider und OSC im schnelldurchlauf PLUS stefans eigene extension CVCenter
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