an XBeeShield on an Arduino sending wirelessly to the max/msp serial-object via the XbeeUsbExplorer … more below
all done on mac (osx 10.5, 10.6) , using following
arduino (must), coolTerm (must), processing, max/msp… (whatever can read serial ports)
and hardware:
arduino Atmega328, xbeeshield, xbee usb explorer, 2 xbees (series 1 worked great in this case, series 2 seems to be more difficult)
and sensors:
heart rate monitor shield (heart beat detection with polar heart beat monitors) flex sensor, 100k potentiometers, 1 k resistors, pushbuttons
collTerm look like this (local echo is tagged „on“, every other option is default)
breadboard for 3 potentiometer and 4 buttons